Solution View - Automate_Studio_Manager - Latest

Automate Studio Manager Guide

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Automate > Automate Studio Manager
Product name
Automate Studio Manager
Automate Studio Manager Guide
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This view gives details of the Solution defined in application. Some properties are specific to solution type and may not be valid for other solution like DataReviewProcess is not for Form solution”

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Field Name DB Type Type Nullable Description
AppId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 App ID in which library of the solution exists.
SolutionId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 Solution ID.
TenantId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 Tenant ID in which the app exists.
LibraryId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 Library ID to which the solution was submitted.
SystemUsageLevel smallint Int16 0 Level of the SAP system resources being used.
Comments nvarchar String 0 Comments added while completing a task.
Title nvarchar String 0 Name of the solution.
Description nvarchar String 0 The solution description added when designing the solution.
SAPConnectionName nvarchar String 0 Name of the SAP connection.
ScriptType smallint Int16 0 Type of script. Transaction = 0, Query = 1, Reference Data = 2, Form = 3
SapSystemId nvarchar String 0 SAP system ID.
SapClient nvarchar String 0 SAP client number.
SystemPost bit Boolean 0 Specify if the system-post is allowed for this Script Solution’s Documents. Solution author has the option to set this property as per the preference behavior defined at app level while creating a script solution.
Autorun bit Boolean 0 Specify if AutoRun is allowed for this Script Solution’s Documents. Solution author get the option to set this property as per the preference behavior defined at app level while creating a script solution.
Runnable bit Boolean 0 Indicates if the solution is in a runnable state.
RunnerRequired bit Boolean 0 Indicates if the Runner is required for this solution.
CreatedDate datetime DateTime 0 Date on which solution was created
ModifiedBy uniqueidentifier Guid 1 Id of the user who last modified the solution
CreatedBy uniqueidentifier Guid 1 Id of the user who created the solution
ModifiedDate datetime DateTime 0 Date on which solution last modified
ReviewerId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 Id of the user who reviewed the solution
Status smallint Int16 0 status PendingApproval = 0, Approved = 1, Rejected = 2
Version int Int32 0 Version of solution
MultipleScriptType smallint Int16 0 Multi script type Single = 0, Link = 1, Multi = 2
DataReviewProcess nvarchar String 0 Review process for solution. Example: No Data Review Process, Review And Post - One Step, Review And Post - Two Step Custom Note: For custom Workflow, DataReviewProcessName field will have the name of the custom workflow
DataReviewProcessName nvarchar String 0 Review process name for solution.
DataSource smallint Int16 0 mapping for the script for reading/writing. For eg. Query output to ref data gives datasource as ReferenceData. Possible values are Excel, Access, WebForm, Text, SQL, ReferenceData, etc
Category nvarchar String 0 Category to which solution belongs. Category is provided when reference data schema is added
Scope smallint Int16 0 scope to which solution belongs. Global-0/app-1
ReferenceSchemaType smallint Int16 0 Type of reference data. How the data is created or for what purpose. Query = 0, Manual = 1, ExcelTemplate = 2, Report = 3
SupportingDocs nvarchar String 0 comma-separated names of supporting documents
InputFiles nvarchar String 0 comma-separated names of input documents
LinkedScriptFiles nvarchar String 0 Comma separated names of linked scripts
LinkedScriptDescription nvarchar String 0 Special delimiter that separates types of linked scripts like MM02■MM02. This is the ASCII code 254 character
ScriptVersion int Int32 0 Incremental version of script only when submitted from studio and not by any other means