This SQL View provides details regarding Form or Excel Solution dependencies on other types of solutions including Group, Data Connection, Reference, and Form Solutions. This view tells you where a specific solution is being used.
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Field Name | DB Type | Type | Nullable | Description |
ReferenceEntitiesId | uniqueidentifier | Guid | 0 | Unique ID for this view/table. |
TenantId | uniqueidentifier | Guid | 0 | ID of the tenant to which the object belongs. |
ObjectId | uniqueidentifier | Guid | 0 | The ID of the object using the reference object/entity. |
ObjectName | nvarchar | String | 0 | The name of the object using the reference object/entity. |
ObjectTeamspaceId | uniqueidentifier | Guid | 1 | The app ID of the object using the reference object/entity. |
ObjectStoreId | uniqueidentifier | Guid | 1 | the parent ID of the object using the reference object/entity. |
RefObjectName | nvarchar | String | 0 | The name of the object being used. |
RefObjectType | tinyint | Byte | 0 |
The type of object being used. Solution = 0, Connection = 1, AppGroup = 2, NameTemplate = 3, FileRepository = 4, SolutionDataSet = 5, SAPServer = 6, ExternalWebService = 7, User = 8, App = 9, DataConnectionLibrary = 10 |
RefObjectTeamspaceId | uniqueidentifier | Guid | 1 | The app ID of object being used. |
RefObjectStoreId | uniqueidentifier | Guid | 1 | Parent id of object being used. |
CreatedDate | datetime | DateTime | 0 | Created date of this reference entry. |
ModifiedBy | uniqueidentifier | Guid | 1 | Modified By of this reference entry. |
CreatedBy | uniqueidentifier | Guid | 1 | Created By of this reference entry. |
ModifiedDate | datetime | DateTime | 0 | Modified Date of this reference entry. |
RefFeatureType | tinyint | Byte | 0 | The feature type in which the object reference is used. Solution = 0, WebService = 1 |
AppName | nvarchar | String | 0 | Name of app where object exists. |