Process Reporting Details View - Automate_Studio_Manager - Latest

Automate Studio Manager Guide

Product type
Product family
Automate > Automate Studio Manager
Product name
Automate Studio Manager
Automate Studio Manager Guide
First publish date
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This SQL View provides details for all processes in the system.

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Field Name DB Type Type Nullable Description
SolutionName nvarchar String 0 Name of solution to which the process belongs.
ProcessName nvarchar String 0 Name of the process.
AppName nvarchar String 0 App name to which the process belongs.
LibraryName nvarchar String 0 Library name to which solution belongs.
Status nvarchar String 0

Process status.

0 - Undefined, 1 - Draft, 2 - Running, 3 - Completed, 4 - Canceled, 5 - Approved, 6 - Rejected, 7 - Blocked

ProcessId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 ID of the process.
CreationDate datetime DateTime 0 Date on which the process was created.
CompletionDate datetime DateTime 0 Date on which the process completed.
Originator nvarchar String 0 Username of the user who initiated the process. Format: domain/username
UserId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 ID of the user who initiated the process.
CreationDateDiff int Int32 0 The number of days from creation date to current date.
DueDate datetime DateTime 0 Process Due date.
IsCreatedToday int Int32 1 Indicates if the process was created today.
IsCompletedToday int Int32 1 Indicates if the process was completed today.
IsPassedDueDate int Int32 1 Indicates if the process has passed due date.
IsRunning int Int32 1 Indicates if the process is running.
IsCompleted int Int32 1 Indicates if the process is completed.
AppId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 App ID to which the process belongs.
SolutionId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 ID of solution to which the process belongs.
LibraryId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 ID of library to which solution belongs.
DataItemType int Int32 0 Transaction = 1, Query = 2, Form Solution = 10, Data File = 4, Reference Data = 12, Excel Solution =11, Form Process Item = 14
DataFileId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 ID of the document associated with this the process. It contains data file ID for Excel solutions and document id for Form solution
ParentProcessId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 ID of the process which is parent to this process. In case of independent solution, it will be 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Note nvarchar String 0 Comments added while canceling the process.
IsForced nvarchar String 0 Indicates if the process is force completed or not. Yes/No
RootParentProcessId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 ID of the root parent for this process. In case of independent solution, it will be 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000