Assignment View - Automate_Studio_Manager - Latest

Automate Studio Manager Guide

Product type
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Automate > Automate Studio Manager
Product name
Automate Studio Manager
Automate Studio Manager Guide
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A SQL View with descriptions of all assignments in the system.

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Field Name DB Type Type Nullable Description
AssignmentId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 ID of a task or assignment
ProcessId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 ID of the process to which the assignment belongs.
InternalTag int Int32 0 The internal tag assigned to each workflow node. It is used internally to decide the path of the workflow. Also used to determine node specific properties.
ActivityName nvarchar String 0 Name of the assignment/activity.
AssignedDate datetime DateTime 0 Assignment assigned date.
DueDate datetime DateTime 0 Assignment due date.
ReviewDate datetime DateTime 0 Assignment review date. Review date is set when a document is reviewed. It is used with Require review property.
CompletedDate datetime DateTime 0 Assignment complete date.
Status int Int32 0 Assignment status value 0 - Draft 1 - Assigned 2 - Active 3 - Completed 4 - Approved 5 - Rejected 6 - Cancelled 7 - Pending 8 - Blocked 9 - Reassigned
Actor nvarchar String 0 Task Assignee login ID. Format: domain\username
Note nvarchar String 0 Assignment comments added by the user while completing the task.
ReminderNotified int Int32 0 Reminder Notification is sent or not. 0 means reminder not sent. 1 means reminder notification sent.
LateNotified int Int32 0 Set to 1 when late notices have been sent; otherwise, 0.
ActorUserId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 Task Assignee ID. Format: Guid
ActorDisplayName nvarchar String 0 Task Assignee Display Name.
AutoApproved bit Boolean 0 Set to 1 when the assignment got approved automatically; otherwise 0.
Disposition nvarchar String 0 The complete disposition text. It is displayed as the status of the task (in Process History) once the task is completed.
SolutionId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 ID of solution to which the assignment belongs.