Tasks - Automate_Studio_Manager - Latest

Automate Studio Manager Guide

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Automate > Automate Studio Manager
Product name
Automate Studio Manager
Automate Studio Manager Guide
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From the Tasks Menu, you can manage the following tasks:


Once a solution is deployed, the workflow node and form control names cannot be changed.

View tasks information

For tasks that have been originated by you or assigned to you, you can view the following on the Tasks tab:

  • Task Type
  • Task Name
  • Task Due Status
  • File associated with the task
  • Task Due Date

You can click on a task name for a detailed view of tasks that includes the following:

  • Task Type
  • Due Date
  • Item (File associated with the task)
  • Open File
  • Process Time
  • Assigned Date
  • Originator Name
  • Workflow History

Filter by solution

You can view tasks according to the solutions they belong to. Click the icon at the top right of the Tasks page (if the solution window is not already showing). The left window displays solutions related to the tasks, and the number of tasks related to each solution is noted. Click on solution names to view the tasks associated with them.

Approve tasks

To approve a task:

  1. Click the Tasks menu and select the task.
  2. Click on the icon in the Actions column and click Approve. You will be notified that the task has been successfully approved, and the Task Status changes to Approved on the tasks page.

Reject tasks

To reject a task:

  1. Click the Tasks menu, and then select the task.
  2. Click on the icon in the Actions column and click Reject. You will be notified that the task has been rejected and the Task Status changes to Rejected on the tasks page.

Reassign tasks

To reassign a task:

  1. Click the Tasks menu, and then select the task.
  2. Click on the icon in the Actions column, then click Reassign.
  3. A Reassign Task dialog box appears. Select a user from the User drop-down list.
  4. Enter comments and then click Reassign Task. You will be notified that the task has been successfully reassigned.

In the process history, the task assigned to the earlier user is closed, and a new task is created for the person it has been reassigned to.

Task status descriptions

Task Status



The task due date has not arrived, and the due date is not coming up.


The due date of a process has elapsed.  

Close to Due Date

The task is close to being due. The status is derived by the following configuration keys:

  • ColorWarningThreshold (Default Value – 30)
  • ColorWarningThresholdUnits (Default Value – percent)

By default, this means when 70% of the total time assigned to the task elapses, the process becomes close to the due date.


For a solution task, the default due date is 1 day. For a data file task, the default due date is 30 days. If you would like to change the default due date for a task, use the configuration key titled StandardWorkflowTaskDueDays.

If there is a icon next to a task name, the task is locked by another user and you cannot work with the task. When user who locked the task releases it, the lock icon disappears and you will be able to work with the task.

When a data correction task is reassigned, the last person to whom it is assigned will be the reviewer from the time they are assigned until the end of the process.

View the workflow process history of a task

  1. Click the Tasks menu, and then click on a task name.
  2. The detail view of that task appears. Click on the History button near the Workflow Process field to see a detailed listing of status changes.

Open the file attached to a task

  1. Click the Tasks menu, and then click on a task name.
  2. A detail view of that task appears. Click on the Open button near the Document field. The data file will open in the Excel Add-in. You can complete, approve, reject, or reassign tasks once you have opened them.

When opening the data file in the Excel Add-in, the last logged-in user information is used as you log on to Excel. In addition, the last logged-in app is referenced. If the last logged user and app do not match, you will receive an error.