Operations – Administration App - Automate_Studio_Manager - Latest

Automate Studio Manager Guide

Product type
Product family
Automate > Automate Studio Manager
Product name
Automate Studio Manager
Automate Studio Manager Guide
First publish date
Last edition
Last publish date

This page provides an overview of processes for solutions. The processes have various status designations, including Normal, Close to Due, and Overdue. As an administrator, you can click on a number next to the status/solution name to see a list of solution processes with the selected status. For example, you can see a list of overdue processes for a specific solution.

From that list, administrators can do the following:

  1. Edit Assignment
  2. View Process History
  3. Cancel Process

Edit assignment

You can change the assignee of the task to a different reviewer or contributor. This is useful, for example, when an original reviewer is on leave or has left the organization. If you are also the originator of the process, you are not allowed to change the assignee; this allows us to respect compliance requirements.

View process history

The Process History provides an overview of all tasks completed for a specific process up to the present date. It includes the following information:

  • The user who initiated the workflow.
  • The date on which the workflow started.
  • The name of the file being worked with.
  • The file status.
  • The list of events in the workflow.
  • The date of each event.
  • The type of each event.
  • The User ID of the person who initiated the event.
  • The description and outcome of the event.

Cancel process

Cancel Process terminates a process in its current state and therefore, this feature should be used with caution.


This page provides an overview of all tasks assigned to a user. The tasks can have various status designations, including Normal, Close to Due, and Overdue. You can click the number next to the status/solution name to see a list of user tasks with the selected status. For example, for any given user, you can view a list of overdue tasks.

You can do a bulk assignment of user tasks to a different user or you can open individual tasks and assign them to various users.


You can set up an Out of Office delegation for Winshuttle applications for yourself. If you are the administrator, you can also set up an Out of Office delegation for another user.

Setting a delegation enables a user to automatically receive another user's assignments during a specified period of time. Please note that existing assignments are not automatically reassigned.

To add a delegation, specify the following:

  1. The user for whom the delegation is being set.
  2. The user who is being assigned all the future tasks.
  3. Dates for which this delegation will apply.
  4. Any applicable rules for the assignment. For example, you can specify a specific solution type such as ‘solutions which start with Material.’

Please note that this delegation will be completed as per Compliance Check rules.


You can reassign all current and future assignments of a particular user to another user.