Three data review processes are supported in the Studio Manager application.
Data Review Process | Description |
No Data Review Process | After the solution has been reviewed, data files do not need to be approved before running the solution. |
Review and Post - One Step | Data files must be approved, and the reviewer runs the script. |
Review and Post – Separately | Data files must be approved, and the submitter runs the script. |
For improved error management, enable AutoRun in the data file submission. The data file will go through a Loop Back process, as follows:
- The originator submits the data file.
- The assigned reviewer approves the data file.
- After the data is posted to SAP, the presence of any errors in the data file will create a task directing the reviewer to review the data file again.
- The reviewer decides whether to send the file back to the originator for correction.
- If it is allowed, the originator receives the task to correct the data file.
- After the errors have been corrected, the data file is resubmitted for approval and posting to SAP.
The originator must ensure that the log column is empty for a Loop Back task to work properly. If log column includes data, the configuration keys will be overridden, and the Loop Back task will not be created.
Loop Back tasks for Standard Workflows can be disabled using the following configuration keys:
- EnableDataCorrectionLoopbackSingle | Enable Loopback for Single scripts | Default = True
- EnableDataCorrectionLoopbackLinked | Enable Loopback for Linked scripts | Default = True