The following information is tracked for Automate Studio usage:
- Total records uploaded to or extracted from SAP.
- Total time saved: For Transaction, displays the calculated total time saved in hours (hhmmss) and in working days (00.0) for a Full Time Equivalent (FTE).
- The upload or download date and time.
- SAP system used for the run.
- SAP name of the user who created the script.
- SAP client used to run the script.
- Total time for the upload or download, displayed in the format hh:mm:ss.
- T-code/applications/tables used to create the script.
Important: Precisely automatically collects product
version information, system environment data, and usage data.
This is necessary for license enforcement, future product improvement
considerations, and the enhancement of your reporting. Precisely only collects the
minimum required personally identifiable information for the following purposes:
License enforcement, user management, and user notifications.
The PII data we
collect is:
Licensed users email address > license enforcement,
user management & user notifications
Licensed users
SAP username > license enforcement
Licensed users IdP
username (required for SSO setup) > user management
Automate Studio
This view provides details for data captured upon running scripts.
Fields | Description | Example Value |
_id | Unique identifier | Object ID value |
clientProduct | Client product being used | "Studio" |
crmLicenseId | CRM License ID being used to generate run log | B23000001 |
dataFile | Path of data file used for execution | C:\Users\centraluser\Documents\Winshuttle\Studio\Data\MM02_20231213_15… |
dataFileType | File type path | MsExcel |
dateTimeofRun | Date time of script run | 2023-12-13T10:28:47.779+00:00 |
docId | Any document id related to script | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
erpClient | SAP ERP Client | "001" |
erpServer | SAP ERP Server | "E68" |
erpUserName | SAP Username | "sapautouser1" |
erroredRuns | Error runs | 0 |
license | License Type used | "Studio" |
licenseMode | License Mode used | "Connect" |
licenseUser | License User used | "Au-ApiTA3.PO.AutoApi8" |
logId | Unique log identifier | "a6e8f61b-e418-4752-8cec-8737705daf52" |
operationType | Operation type | "Run" |
parentDocId | Any document id parent related to script | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
processSource | NA | "" |
productVersion | Product version | "24.0" |
reasonforRun | Run reason | "" |
rootDocId | Root document id related to script | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
runFailReason | Run fail reason | "" |
runnerTime | time taken to run the script | "NaN" |
runType | type of run | "Manual" |
sapEdition | SAP Server Edition | "" |
sapVersion | SAP Server Version | "" |
scriptName | Script Name | "C:\Users\centraluser\Documents\MM021.Txr" |
scriptTitle | Script Title | "MM02" |
scriptType | Script Type | "Transaction" |
scriptSource | Script Source | Fiori/GuiForHTML/SAPGui |
solutionId | NA | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
tag | NA | "" |
tcode | T code involved in script run | "MM02" |
timeSavedPerRecord | Time Saved per record | "00:00:02" |
timeToExecute | Time to Execute script | "00:00:02" |
totalManualTime | Total manual time script would have taken | "00:00:50" |
totalProcessedSuccess | Total successfully processed rows | 1 |
totalTimeSaved | Total time saved for all records | "00:00:48" |
totalWinshuttleTime | Total time Winshuttle took to execute records | "00:00:02" |
wfmVersion | WFM Version | "" |
recordingMode | Recording mode | "Standard (Non Batch without controls)" |
User Data
This view provides details for data captured about the user details.
Field | Description | Example values |
_id | Unique object id identifier for a user | 65e700ecc41f87eab9f34145 |
tenantId | Tenant identifier user belongs to | 65e6df55c70e32bb17ee0e6f |
userName | Username of user | demoUser@<domain>.com |
firstName | First name of user | demo |
displayName | Display name of user | demoUser |
emailAddress | Email address of user | demoUser@<domain>.com |
lastLoginDateStudio | Last login date in studio | 2024-03-15T06:08:55.731+00:00 |
lastLoginDateBrowser | Last login date in browser | 2024-03-15T06:08:55.731+00:00 |
envMetadata | Environment metadata storing last login | envMetadata is an object that stores following values |
-- studioVersion | 24.0000.2012.01001 | |
-- excelVersion | XL2016 16.0.17126.20132 | |
-- studioOSVersion | Windows10 10.0.19045.0 | |
-- browser | MS-Edge-Chromium | |
-- browserVersion | | |
-- browserOS | Windows | |
-- browserOSVersion | windows-10 | |
-- browserDeviceType | Desktop | |
loginPeriods | Array of logins on clients | array element - 2024-03 means client login in march 2024 |
surrogateUserId | okta user identifier for user | 00u1e1a6543zBTTkj0h8 |
localeId | LocaleId of user | en-US |
language | Language of user | English |
timeZoneId | Timezone of user | (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi |