This option allows you to add more than 10 users and/or licenses.
Perform these steps to import users to Automate Studio Administrator.
- Click the Users navigation menu option on the left panel.
- Click Import From Excel option.
- Click Download a sample template here to generate the template that you can then upload to the Automate Studio Administrator.
Fill out the Username, First
Name, Last Name and Display
Name fields as in the template as well.
Note: Precisely recommends that the Username and Display name should be the same as their email address.
- Review template to make sure all users/licenses are listed correctly and the total number of users and license types are accurate.
- Save template as a .csv file (other file types not supported).
- Back in the Automate Studio Administrator site, click Attach File and select your template.
Click Submit.
Message indicating users will be loaded in the background. This process may take several minutes, if you do not see users after 10 minutes, contact our Customer Support team.
Verify all your users and license assignments are correct. The dashboard will
show your total number of users and total number of licenses unassigned.
Note: If you do not see all your users added to the site, re-check your import file for any issues. If there are none, contact our Customer Support team.