For a Repair, you must reinstall the product and make any necessary repairs. No new specifications are required; the original configurations provided during previous Installation are used.
On the Repair Welcome screen, you have the option to Modify, Repair, or Uninstall. Select Repair to initiate the repair process.
Click Cancel if you want to stop the repair process (you will be asked to confirm the cancellation). Click Next to proceed with the repair.
In the
Winshuttle.Finx.WorkerService.exe.config file, if the Studio Manager URL is incorrect, your DB permissions and other services may be impacted if you proceed.
When you click Next, the Installer validates information from the WebConfig. If the validation fails, you
will see an error message with the specific reason for the failure.
The Installation screen indicates the repair installation progress.
If your repair installation is successful, the Installation Complete screen will appear. Click Finish to complete the repair.
When you repair Worker, retain the existing SAP GUI entry key values. If keys for SAP GUI entries do not exist,the Installer establishes new keys with a default value of zero.
Server\Security - Key: Security Level
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SAP\SAPGUI Front\SAP Frontend Server\Security
- Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows\ NoInteractiveServices - Key: NoInteractiveServices
- Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SAP\SAPGUI\DelegationMode -DelegationMode
The shuttle rule file is not retained. The repair process will replace it with a new file. Create a backup of yourshuttle rule file before proceeding with the Repair process.
If Evolve Server and Evolve Worker are installed on the same machine, the following SAP GUI registry entrieswill be reset to 0 upon every fresh installation and repair installation:
- SecurityLevel
- StartSAPLogon
- NoInteractiveServices
- DelegationMode