Modify - 24.1

Automate Evolve Installation

Product type
Product family
Automate > Automate Evolve
Product name
Automate Evolve
Automate Evolve Installation
First publish date
Last edition
Last publish date

Modifying indicates a need to introduce changes either by adding new features or by modifying existing, installed features. It may also mean you need to make changes in the specifications or configuration of the installed product.

Note: If Studio Manager and Studio Manager Worker are installed on the same machine, the following SAP GUI registry entries will be reset to 0 upon every fresh and repair installation:

  • SecurityLevel
  • StartSAPLogon

On the Worker Settings screen, you can either confirm or change the Web Config data which you entered earlier.

  • If you changed the web site URL when you executed Modify for Studio Manager Server Installer, you will also need to execute Modify for Studio Manager Worker Installer to add and support the new web site URL.
  • When you run the Worker Installer in modify mode, the service identity is picked from the registry. If you change the service identity manually after installation, the registry will not be updated; if you then run the Installer in modify mode, the correct service identity will not be displayed. Do not change the logon account manually; always use the Installer for this process.

For DB authentication, you can select a Built-in Account or a Custom Account.

  • For a Built-in Account, select either Local System or Network Service.
  • For a Custom Account, enter your Username (domain\userid) and password.

You can create a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 4 Worker Services.

When you click Next, the Installer validates the information you provided. If the validation fails, a descriptive error message will appear.


  • You must include a valid Studio Manager URL.
  • Worker Services must be indicated with a numeric value, and they must number 1, 2, 3, or 4.
  • For a Custom Account, the username and password fields must be completed, and the username and password must be valid.

The Installer account must have one of the following:

  1. If the Studio Manager Server Installer database creator account has SQL Authentication, the Studio Manager Server connection string will contain the SQL authentication: Worker will not connect to SQL, and permissions and user access checks will not occur. In addition, DB checks will be skipped and Worker will proceed with the next step of the installation.
  2. If the Studio Manager Server Installer database creator account does not have SQL Authentication, the Installer account must have the security admin role on the SQL server used for installation and the DB owner role on the Studio Manager database. The Worker Installer supports AWS RDS.

Note: If you change the number of Worker Services or the Worker Service Identity, the following occurs:

  • If service account remains the same and the service count remains the same, the Installer will not be recreating services.
  • If service account is changed but the service count remains the same, the Installer recreates all services from scratch.
  • If additional services are added (and the same service account is used), the services are created from scratch using the same service account, and the existing services remain as-is.
  • If additional services are added (using a new service account), all services are recreated from scratch.
  • If some of the preconfigured services are deleted, they are removed in reverse chronological order –

    for example, from 4 to 3 to 2 to 1.

    On the Configure Product screen, you can confirm the configuration settings before proceeding with the modification.

    Click Back to return to the Worker Settings screen. Click Cancel to stop the Modify process or click Modify to proceed.

    The Installation screen then indicates that the modification is in progress.

    When the modification has completed successfully, the Finish screen will come up. Click Finish to complete the modification process.

    When you modify Worker, retain existing SAP GUI entry key values. If keys for SAP GUI entries do not exist, the Installer establishes new keys with a default value of zero.


    Frontend Server\Security - Key: Security Level

  • Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SAP\SAPGUI Front\SAP Frontend Server\Security - Key: Security Level



The shuttle rule file is not retained. The modify process will replace it with a new file. Create a backup of your shuttle rule file before proceeding with the Modify process.