Appendix A- SAP NW SDK Files download - 24.1

Automate Evolve Installation

Product type
Product family
Automate > Automate Evolve
Product name
Automate Evolve
Automate Evolve Installation
First publish date
Last edition
Last publish date

The following sections contains the steps to download SAP NW SDK Files when these files are not present in c:\windows\system32\ path.

  1. Go to

    Prerequisites- User should have valid S-User ID and can access the also user should be able to download the sap content from SAP portal.

  2. In downloads, Search for “sap nw rfc”
  3. Click on SAP NW RFC SDK 7.50

    Select windows on x64 64 bit. (Windows 64-bit operating system)

    Select the file and download.

    (Note-You can also download the latest available patch)

  4. After downloading the zip files, open the nwrfcsdk > Lib folder and copy the below files.
  • sapnwrfc.dll
  • icudt50.dll
  • icuin50.dll
  • icuuc50.dll
  1. Place the copied files into below Destination Folder.

Path: c:\windows\system32\

Installer Improvements

Security Admin Check removal in Upgrade installation

We have removed Security Admin checks for Installer account user for Upgrade installation.

With new implementation these are the challenges (only applicable when AutomateEvolveServer Installer Account user Authentication is set to windows authentication)which can be encountered and are as below :-

Case1. In case user migrates database from one database server to another database server and performs upgrade directly (without running the modify installer feature) then now as we have removed security admin check so login creation and permission for service identity on database will not be granted automatically in case login/role is not present after migration.

Earlier we were making sure in our pre-requisites to have security admin role for Upgrade.


In this scenario the Installer account user should have security admin and dbowner privileges so that login creation and permission for service identity on database will be granted automatically by installer else any security admin user can manually perform all these tasks.

Case2. In case user upgrades to this release or above release from old one and if in case there is any change in service identity user and permission in database since fresh installation so in that case login creation and permission for service identity user will not be granted automatically in case security admin role is not present for installer account user.

Earlier we were making sure in our pre-requisites to have security admin role and we use to reconfigure login creation and permission for service identity in case of Upgrade.

Workaround :

We need to make sure in case of upgrade the users, Installer account user permissions and roles on the SQL server database should be kept intact or the installer account user should have Security admin so that login creation and permission for service identity user can be reconfigured or created.