Uninstall /Remove - 24.1

Automate Evolve Installation

Product type
Product family
Automate > Automate Evolve
Product name
Automate Evolve
Automate Evolve Installation
First publish date
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Uninstalling removes allinstalled features, files, components, product specifications, and configurations. On the Welcome screen,you have the option to Modify, Repair, or Remove. To uninstall, select Remove. Click Cancel to stop the uninstallation process. Youwill be asked to confirm this.

Click Next to proceed with the Uninstallation. You will be asked to confirm this; select Yes to proceed with the removal.

The Uninstallation screen indicates the progress of removal process.

Note: The database is not removed.

Upon successful uninstallation, the Finish screen comes up. Click Finish to complete the uninstallation.

On uninstallation of Server, the following SAP GUI entries will not be removed:

  • Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\SAP\SAPGUI Front\SAP Frontend Server\Security- Key: Security Level

    Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SAP\SAPGUI Front\SAP Frontend Server\Security

    - Key: Security Level


    - StartSAPLogon
  • Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows\NoInteractiveServices - Key: NoInteractiveServices

If you click the Cancel button during the Installation, Upgrade, Modify, Repair, or Remove processes, the following will occur:

  • The Installer aborts the current executions.
  • The Installer copies Logs to the Installation directory.
  • If the Installer is unable to copy the log file to the Logs folder, the same log file is available in your

%TEMP% folder.

  • The Installer displays the Finish screen which indicates an unsuccessful execution.
  • Rollback is supported for fresh installations only.

The following screen appears upon canceling a Modify installation.

Warning message

Click Continue to proceed with the uninstall or change process.

The Installation Complete screen notes that a machine reboot is required.

When the Installer execution has completed, logs will be in the Installation directory. This is the case for both successful and unsuccessful executions.

If an Installer is unable to copy log file in to Logs folder then same log file available in users %TEMP% folder.

Intensive logging is generated with Studio Manager Server installer execution. The logs ensure that vital

information for all scenarios is retained. One log file is generated; it contains detailed information about each step performed. A new file is generated for every execution.

  1. Naming convention used for fresh installation: Evolve_Server_<InstallerVersion>_<date>_


    Example: Evolve_Server_20.0100.2010.15001_15102020_123625.log

  2. Naming convention used for modify/repair/remove/upgrade installation: Evolve_Server_<InstallationType>_<InstallerVersion>_<date>_ <time>.log

Example: Evolve_Server_20.0000.2004.29003_15102020_165831.log Evolve_Server_20.0100.2010.15002_modify_15102020_171134.log Evolve_Server_20.0100.2010.15002_repair_15102020_172026.log Evolve_Server_20.0100.2010.15002_upgrade_15102020_170621.log

This file will be available at any of these locations:

  • %temp% (not in %temp%\2 or anything similar to it)
  • InstallationDir\svr\Logs\InstallationLogs