This procedure ends an iOptimize installation (and related products) and is required before upgrading iOptimize. Use this procedure when you are instructed to by procedures in this book. This procedure is valid whether you are installing from the product’s Installation Wizard or the native user interface.
End iOptimize:
installation-library/ENDID *ALL
Verify that all iOptimize jobs are ended.
If you are using the Assure Unified Interface (VSP), end the Assure UI server on the system where it runs. This prevents object locking issues that can interfere with the install process when subscriptions are used or when Assure UI users are logged in.
If the Assure UI server (VSP server) runs on an IBM i platform, use the following command:
If the Assure UI server runs on a Windows platform, from the Windows Start menu, select All Programs > Precisely Assure and click Stop Server.
Verify that Assure UI jobs are ended.