This procedure ends an Assure Security installation (and related products) and is required before upgrading or installing Assure Security or when removing an Assure Security installation. Use this procedure when you are instructed to by procedures in this guide.
Do the following to prepare your environment for removing Assure Security:
Run the following command to end the Assure Security subsystem:
Run the following command to verify that the subsystem has ended:
No jobs should appear running. Refresh the screen by pressing F5 until all jobs disappear before attempting to uninstall Assure Security.
For users of Assure Encryption, run the following command for each file which has any FieldProc encrypted fields to end all FieldProc encryption on all fields of the file which are defined for encryption:
SECOPS/ENDFLDPRCF FILE(library/file name)
Failure to do so will cause errors when trying to use files where encryption has not been ended, making the data in those files irretrievable. You can also delete and/or recompile those files to end encryption.
Note: This step is not necessary when preparing for an upgrade or installation of Assure Security. -
For users with DB2 monitoring activated on files, deactivate the definitions for all such files. Run the
command and use option 10 next to each definition listed to make the definitions inactive. Alternatively, run the following command for each file defined for DB2 monitoring in order to deactivate definitions:CHGQDPMN FILE(library/file name) STATUS(*INACTIVE)
Note: This step is not necessary when preparing for an upgrade or installation of Assure Security. -
For users of Assure System Access Manager, it is necessary to inactivate the exit points. It is recommended to do this by performing an IPL. Alternatively, if this is not possible, run the following commands to stop and restart the servers and subsystems for all the points of type *EXIT:
Note: It is not necessary to end all the servers. You can end and restart only the servers used for the exit points monitored by Assure System Access Manager on your system. Refer to Detailed information on supported exit points in the System Access Manager User Guide to determine the server associated with each exit point.ENDTCPSVR SERVER(*FTP *NETSVR)