When using native user interface processes for a new install of a Precisely product when License Manager is not installed on the system, you must obtain the INSPRD command using the INSPRD streamfile.
If you have not done so already, download the INSPRD STMF from Support. From the Welcome to Support page, click My Products and select the product you want. Then select Downloads > INSPRD. If INSPRD is not visible, scroll down to see items listed under the heading Previous.
Transfer the INSPRD STMF to an IFS directory of your choosing on your system.
From a command line, type the IBM command CPYFRMSTMF and press F4 (Prompt).
At the From stream file prompt, enter the name of the stream file you transferred in Step 2.
At the To file member or save file prompt, enter the following and press Enter:
Note: This step converts the stream file to the QTEMP/SAVF save file.
Type the IBM command RSTOBJ and press F4 (Prompt).
At the Objects prompt, specify *ALL.
At the Saved library prompt, specify QTEMP.
At the Device prompt, specify *SAVF.
At the Save file prompt, specify SAVF in library QTEMP.
At the Restore to library prompt, specify QTEMP as the name of the library into which the objects should be restored.
Press Enter. This step restores all the objects from the save file.
Type QTEMP/INSPRD and press Enter. Continue with Step 6 in Installing products.