New installations are performed by Certified iTERA Consultants.
Each system in the replication environment must have the following software installed and be current with the recommended PTFs and service packs applied.
License Manager level: License Manager is a required utility that is included in the software installation package for multiple Precisely products, including Assure MIMIX, Assure iOptimize, Assure QuickEDD, and Assure Security. The current versions of these products require License Manager version 10.0. Be aware of the following implications to the product software installation process:
If License Manager does not yet exist on a system when you install a new instance of this product, the software installation process automatically installs License Manager using the level included in the software installation package.
If License Manager already exists on a system on which you are installing a new instance or upgrading an existing instance of this product and the installed level of License Manager is lower than the level included in the software installation package, the product install or upgrade process automatically upgrades License Manager to the level included in the software installation package.
The License Manager versions are as follows:
For iTERA and higher, the version of License Manager is at least or higher and is the version available at the time the iTERA service pack becomes available.
For iTERA through, the version of License Manager is at least or the version available at the time the iTERA service pack became available.
For iTERA through, the License Manager version is
If License Manager is not present and you need to use the native user interface to install instead of the Installation Wizard, see Installing when License Manager is not yet installed.
Supported iTERA upgrades: iTERA products that are installed at or any higher service pack level can be upgraded to version 6.2 as long as these conditions are met:
Maintenance is current. Customers not current on maintenance will only be able to re-install the same version, update, and service pack level (V.U.SP) and install fixes for that level. See Displaying details about a license key.
Upgrades to version 6.2 require license keys for version 6.2. New installs of version 6.2 can be completed with no license keys present, although a valid license key is required before you can use iTERA. For information about obtaining license keys, see Working with license keys.
Operating system: Each system in the iTERA environment must have a supported version of IBM i installed.
For iTERA and higher, the minimum supported level is IBM i 7.3.
For iTERA through, the minimum supported level is IBM i 7.1.
For iTERA through, the minimum supported level is IBM i 6.1.
Precisely recommends that all nodes run the same OS level. However, iTERA does support replication for up to two version level differences. Precisely always recommends that the backup node run the higher OS. For additional information, see the “Running the primary and target nodes on different levels of the IBM OS” topic in the iTERA Availability User Guide.
iTERA also requires the following options of the IBM i operating system:
IBM i Option 30, QSHELL
IBM i Option 33, Portable App Solutions Environment
All nodes in the iTERA instance must have this software installed and be current with the recommended PTFs.
Use the Check IBM PTF (CHKIBMPTF) command to check whether the IBM i PTFs that Precisely recommends are applied on all systems on which MIMIX will be installed. See Checking systems for recommended IBM PTFs for details.
Java requirements: iTERA Alert requires that the IBM Developer Kit for Java, 5761JV1 *BASE licensed program be installed at a *COMPATIBLE level on the nodes in the iTERA instance.
Precisely Licensed Program 7VSI001: When iTERA is installed, the software installation process automatically installs the Precisely licensed program product (LPP) 7VSI001 *BASE and option 4 into library VSI001LIB if they are not already present on the system.