Type GO LICPGM and press Enter.
Type a 10 on the command line to display the licensed programs that are installed on this system and press Enter.
Press F11 to display the operating system release level.
Press F11 again to display the product option.
Ensure that the IBM Developer Kit for Java licensed program (57nnJV1) and the software requirements are installed, as indicated in the table above.
Ensure the Java group PTF level is current on your system.
Use the WRKPTFGRP command to display the group PTFs on your system.
To see the latest available group PTFs, visit http://www-947.ibm.com/systems/support/i/fixes/index.html, select Group PTFs, then select the appropriate operating system level.
Obtain and apply the latest Java group PTF if necessary.
Use this procedure to determine which version of the IBM Developer Kit for Java (JDK) is
installed on your system. On the command line, do the following: