Checklist: new product installs - Assure_DB2_Data_Monitor_(DB2MON) - Assure_Elevated_Authority_Manager_(EAM) - Assure_Encryption - Assure_Monitoring_and_Reporting_(AMR) - Assure_Secure_File_Transfer - Assure_Secure_File_Transfer_ - Assure_Secure_File_Transfer_PGP - Assure_Secure_File_Transfer_with_PGP - Assure_Security_Multi-Factor_Authentication_(MFA) - Assure_System_Access_Manager_(SAM) - Required_for_All_Modules - assure_ioptimize - assure_itera - assure_mimix - 10.0

License Manager for IBM i Products

Product type
Product family
Assure Security > Assure Secure File Transfer
Assure Security > Assure Secure File Transfer with PGP
Assure Security > Assure System Access Manager (SAM)
Assure MIMIX™ Software
Assure Security > Assure Security Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Assure Security > Required for All Modules
Assure iTERA
Assure iOptimize
Assure Security > Assure Monitoring and Reporting (AMR)
Assure Security > Assure DB2 Data Monitor (DB2MON)
Assure Security > Assure Encryption
Assure Security > Assure Elevated Authority Manager (EAM)
Product name
License Manager for IBM i Products
First publish date
Last updated
Published on

If you cannot use the product’s Installation Wizard, use this checklist to install a product (MIMIX or iOptimize) into a library on a system for the first time using command line processes. To install Quick EDD, use EDD HA 04 Installation EN documentation.


Although License Manager supports installing these products, these instructions are not appropriate for the following scenarios:

  • Do not use this checklist to install Assure Security version 6.0. The Assure Security product requires extensive, specialized steps to prepare for installing and to initially setup the product after installation. Those steps, along with installation instructions, are included in the Assure Security Installation Readme document, which is available from the download page in Support.

  • Do not use this checklist for iTERA. New installations of iTERA are always installed and configured by Precisely Services personnel or business partners.

To perform a new install of a product, do the following on all participating systems: (iOptimize is installed on a single system.)

  1. To check the check the contents of the system library list, type the command DSPSYSVAL SYSVAL(QSYSLIBL) and press Enter. Verify that the IBM-supplied library QSYS2 is in the system library list. If necessary, add the appropriate library to the system library list using Using best practices to set up a library list.

  2. Download the Readme documentation associated with the software level you are installing from Support. Check the readme for any special “Before Installing” instructions and perform any that are necessary for your environment.

  3. If any Precisely products already exist on a system where you plan to install the new product, you may need to end those products. License Manager is used by all Precisely products on System i. If the software installation process finds a lower level of License Manager on a system than what is on the installation media, it will automatically upgrade License Manager before installing the new product. For that reason, the existing products need to be ended when both the installed version of License Manager and the version of License Manager on the installation media are at or earlier. See one of the following:

    Precisely recommends synchronizing Precisely System i product upgrades based on the schedule for your high availability or disaster recovery product.

  4. Install a product from streamfile (STMF) or CD using the instructions in Installing products.

  5. Check the Readme documentation for any special “After Installing” instructions and perform any that are required for your environment.

  6. If you received cumulative or restricted fixes, install them using the instructions in Installing fixes.

  7. After you have installed the products, sign off the system.

  8. Sign back on to the system.

  9. If the product you installed was MIMIX, do the following to secure your MIMIX environment:

    1. To protect the system from misuse, turn on product-level security for product which support it. Use the procedure Changing product-level security.

    2. Control access to products through the use of authorization levels for user profiles. Grant authority to user profiles as necessary using the procedure Changing product authority.

  10. Configure, then start the product.
    • For MIMIX products, use the appropriate new configuration checklist for the environment you want to configure in the Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference book. The new configuration checklist will direct you when and how to start replication for the first time.
    • For iOptimize, use the iOptimize Portal Application User Guide and the iOptimize User Guide.

  11. For products that provide portal applications for the Assure Unified Interface, use Setting up the Assure Unified Interface.