If you cannot use the product’s Installation Wizard, follow this checklist to apply fixes to your installed Precisely products. Cumulative and restricted fixes are provided on an as-needed basis. A cumulative fix is also integrated into the next service pack (SP) for that product. License Manager provides the interface for working with fixes for all products that it supports.
Important! Although License Manager supports installing fixes for Assure Security version 6.0 and higher, do not use these instructions. The Assure Security product requires extensive, specialized steps to prepare for installing fixes and to resume operations after fixes have been installed. Those steps, along with installation instructions, are included in the Assure Security Installation Readme document, which is available from the download page in Support. |
Use the procedures in this section to install cumulative fixes and restricted fixes. Also refer to Understanding product naming conventions.
To install a fix, do the following on all participating systems:
Download the Readme documentation associated with the software level you are installing from Support Check the readme for any special “Before Installing” instructions and perform any that are necessary for your environment.
End the product. If the fix being installed is for License Manager, end all Precisely products which require License Manager that are on the same systems.
For MIMIX products, use Prepare your environment by ending Assure MIMIX.
For iTERA, use Prepare your environment by ending Assure iTERA .
For iOptimize, use Prepare your environment by ending Assure iOptimize.
If Assure Security is installed, end the Security product using the instructions in the Assure Security Installation Readme document for the service pack level that is installed.
Install the fix using Installing fixes.
Check the Readme documentation for any special “After Installing” instructions and perform any that are required for your environment.
After you have installed the fix, sign off the system.
Sign back on to the system.
- Start up your environment again.
For MIMIX products, use Bring up your MIMIX environment by starting products.
For iTERA, use Bring up your iTERA environment by starting products.
For iOptimize, use Bring up your iOptimize environment by starting product.
If Assure Security is installed, perform the post-install steps to bring up the Security product using the instructions in the Assure Security Installation Readme document for the service pack level that is installed.