Each business enterprise is unique, and yours may require exceptions to the information provided.
The MIMIXOWN, MIMIXCLU, ITERAOWNER, IOPTOWNER and ITIDGUI user profiles are created with an initial menu of *SIGNOFF so that they cannot be used to sign on to the system, as well as a preset password so that it is consistent on all systems.
Within MIMIX, the MIMIXOWN user profile owns all objects in a MIMIX installation and has access to all the objects that make up the MIMIX.
Within iTERA, the MIMIXOWN user profile owns all objects within the Assure Audits. All processes for the products run under the MIMIXOWN user profile.
User interface objects, such as commands, command processing programs, display panels, menus, and help, have a public authority (*PUBLIC) of use (*USE).
For License Manager and MIMIX, which provide additional product-level security, all product user interfaces are protected by the product-level security provided by Precisely when that function is set to “On”.