An Assure UI administrator can create a group of users who need to:
Access and manage the same set of product instances. The group owner can set up and share instances with the group.
Receive notification via email for monitored events.
The level of authority for each user in a group can be defined separately by the administrator.
Groups can have one or more members. Group members are users who have valid user IDs in the Assure UI portal. Users are defined to the group by the Assure UI administrator.
Other important attributes for the group include:
One group member is defined by the administrator as the owner. The group owner must have an authority level of Manage.
The group owner shares instances with the group. An instance can be shared with only one group.
Group members with whom an instance is shared do not have authority to change the instance, regardless of their user authority. Only the group owner can manage the instance they have shared with the group.
When user authority for a member of a group is set to Display, the member of the group can see only instances that are shared with them by a group owner. This user-level access cannot create their own instances in the portal to manage.
Groups can be used to subscribe multiple users who are members of the group to subscription events for email notification.