Installing the Assure UI server from a stream file - IBM i - assure_mimix - Latest

Assure Unified Interface Guide

Product type
Product family
Assure MIMIX™ Software for AIX
Product name
Assure Unified Interface
Assure Unified Interface Guide
First publish date
Last updated
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The preferred method of installing the Assure Unified Interface is to use the product’s installation wizard. However, if you must use the native install process to install or upgrade a product, after the install process completes, you can use this procedure to install or upgrade the Assure Unified Interface (UI) server from a separate stream file. This installation process does not install any portal applications.

Note: Note:This process requires that License Manager is already installed.

After the install or upgrade of the product completes, do the following:

  1. Download the latest Assure Unified Interface stream file from the product’s download page on Support.

  2. From a command line, type VSI001LIB/INSVSISVR and press F4 (Prompt).

    The Install Assure UI (INSVSISVR) display appears.

  3. At the Stream file prompt, specify the name of the downloaded Assure Unified Interface stream file. Names are case-sensitive and are specified with forward slashes (/).

  4. For the remaining prompts, most users can accept default values that will end the Assure UI server before installing, start the Assure UI server when the install completes, and deploy the latest version of all available portal applications on the system. Optionally, you can specify different values:

    a.Reinstall server - If you want to end the install request if the currently installed version is the same as the version in the stream file, specify *NO.

    b.End server, if active - If you want to end the install request if the Assure UI server is active, specify *NO.

    c.Start server after install - If you want to prevent the Assure UI server from starting after the install completes, specify *NO.

    d.Deploy latest portal application - If you want to prevent deploying the latest versions of portal applications, specify *NONE. Any currently available portal applications will remain available at their present software levels after the install completes.

  5. Press Enter.

  6. If you specified *NO for Start server after install, you must manually start the server after the install process completes using the STRVSISVR command.