Use these instructions if the product’s portal application and Assure Unified Interface installation wizard for Windows restored a product’s portal application but failed to make it available to the server:
The Add Assure UI Portal Application (addvsiapp) command will make a portal application for a Precisely product available for use within the Assure UI portal on a Windows server.
For any Precisely product, only one version of a portal application can be available for use at any given time. Portal applications with a version prior to that of the currently available portal application for a product will not be added. Portal applications for a product with a version that is equal to or more recent than that of the currently available portal application will replace the currently available portal application.
To make a portal application available to the Assure UI server on a Windows platform, do the following:
Open a command prompt.
Change directories to the location where the Assure Unified Interface commands are located:
is:C:\Program Files\VisionSolutions
End the Assure UI server by typing:
To display a list of portal application packages available, type:
addvsiapp -l
To make a portal application available for use, type:
The portal application will be available for use when the server is started.
To display the full command syntax, do the following:
From the command line, type addvsiapp -h