HTTP protocol is the default for the configured port used to connect to the Assure UI server. You can change the configuration to secure the port using the HTTPS protocol. All users must use the protocol that is specified by this command.
To change the protocol, do the following:
Open a command prompt.
Change directories to the location where the Assure Unified Interface commands are located:
is:C:\Program Files\VisionSolutions
The Assure UI server must be ended. From the command line, type:
To change the protocol, do one of the following:
To use HTTPS protocol, type:
chgvsisvr -t yes
To use HTTP protocol, type:
chgvsisvr -t no
The first time users connect to the Assure UI portal using the HTTPS protocol, the browser may indicate there is an untrusted certificate. Users should choose the option that allows them to continue.
To display the full command syntax, do the following:
From the command line, type chgvsisvr -h
To retrieve the current value for the protocol, use the rtvvsisvr command.