If the Assure UI server runs on a Windows platform, do the following to reset the password for the Assure Unified Interface administrator user ID (vspadmin). On the Winsows server where the Assure UI server is installed, do the following:
This procedure requires elevated privileges needed to run the command. Your User Account Control (UAC) settings need to be set to a level that allows programs to change your computer.
Open a command shell. From the Start menu, select Run, then enter:
Change the current directory to the location where the Assure UI server is installed.
is eitherC:\Program Files\VisionSolutions
on a 32-bit platform orC:\Program Files (x86)\VisionSolutions
on a 64-bit platform.End the Assure UI server.
Run this script.
Restart the Assure UI server.
From your browser, log in to the Assure UI server as the Assure UI administrator, specifying vspadmin as the user ID and password.
Use the Change Password portlet on the Administration page to change the password for the Assure UI user ID to a value that meets your environment's security requirements.