The Assure UI portal is shipped with default settings that permit access to all Assure UI portal interfaces and actions by all users who have valid user IDs and passwords on the platform where the Assure UI server is installed. Use this procedure to change how new user profiles can be created and the authority they have to access interfaces in the Assure UI portal.
To change policies for new user profiles, do the following:
Log in using the administrator user ID (vspadmin).
In the Users portlet on the Administration page, select Policies from the global menu. The Users Policies dialog appears.
To change the default authority for new user profiles, select a value from the list for Default authority for new user IDs.
To control how new user profiles are created, select the value for the Require an Assure UI user ID to log in field.
To require new users be added by the Assure UI administrator before they are allowed to log in, click Yes.
To allow new users with valid credentials on the server where the Assure UI server is installed to be added automatically the first time they log in, click No.
Click OK.
“Users Policies dialog”
Authority-controlled Assure UI portal interfaces
Changing a user’s authority to access the Assure UI portal
Security for the Assure Unified Interface