Use Emergency Mode - 7.0

Assure Security Web User Interface Guide

Product name
Assure Security
Assure Security Web User Interface Guide
First publish date
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Emergency mode allows an IBM i Security Administrator to respond to an emergency by allowing Assure MFA to automatically override the authentication action to either deny or allow user access. Access to self-service features are also overridden by the emergency mode setting.

You must be registered as an administrator of Assure Security to use this functionality. When emergency mode is enabled, it remains in effect until you turn it off. Emergency mode choices are:

  • Allow all users - Enables emergency mode and automatically allows all users’ authentication requests. Self-service features, if configured are also suspended.
  • Deny all users – Enables emergency mode and automatically denies all users’ authentication requests. Self-service features, if configured are also suspended. As an Assure Security administrator, your access to the system depends on your company's environment. To access the system, you may be required to sign on using the QSECOFR user profile or a profile that can sign on from the controlling subsystem or the System Console, or use an administrator user profile that is not controlled by Assure MFA.
    Note: This choice is only available when at least one of the Assure MFA settings for protecting access to the system is set to *ALLOW.
  • Off - Dismisses emergency mode and process rules normally. Self-service features, if configured, can be accessed.