Fixes are listed in numerical order. If a fix is specific to a licensed feature, the name of the feature is identified.
This service pack includes all relevant changes to earlier level 7.0 service packs, and fixes for the following reported problems:
SEC-14536 | Assure Monitoring and Reporting: For message (MSG) output queries, the email body text is now correctly formatted and sent if the result is contained in an attached zip file. |
SEC-16280 | Assure Monitoring and Reporting: Assure Monitoring and Reporting now allows the use of condition lists for object or path selection for system examiner queries. |
SEC-16593 | Assure Monitoring and Reporting: Assure Monitoring and Reporting command PRTQJINF now has on-line help available. |
SEC-18379 | Assure Monitoring and Reporting: Assure Monitoring and Reporting queries will no longer fail with issues from the deletion of run-time files in QTEMP. |
SEC-18396 | Assure System Access Manager: DTAQ exit point program EX_DTAQ will no longer report message MCH3402 : Tried to refer to all or part of an object that no longer exists. |
SEC-18448 | Assure Multi-Factor Authentication: Assure Multi-Factor Authentication administrators will not be allowed to define a rule with priority greater than or equal to 9000, if the setting RAMI/RULES/PROTECTION is *YES. |
SEC-18462 | Assure System Access Manager: Assure System Access Manager performance improvements for subsystem job EXASYNACN. |
SEC-18463 | Assure System Access Manager: The wildcard character (%) can now be entered in numeric fields in a condition list to allow any numeric value. The wildcard character can only be entered as a single value; it cannot be entered as part of a string (such as 12%, %12 or %12%). When the wildcard character is entered for both the From and To values of a range, the range will be from 0 to 9. |
SEC-18613 | Assure System Access Manager: IFS exit point function LST_FILE_A now works correctly with condition list access level '0' (Read Only) in SAM V6. |
SEC-18634 | Assure System Access Manager: Command DSPQXLOG will now show the correct message when using option '11=Test' more than once on any log. |
SEC-18639 | Assure System Access Manager: Job QJRN_SCDD no longer fails with error message MCH0601 - 'The call to PDFLOADFON ended in error (C G D F)'. |
SEC-18736 | Assure Monitoring and Reporting: Assure Monitoring and Reporting APC queries now handle system values correctly when one or more individual values matches the maximum length for a value. |
SEC-18737 | Assure Monitoring and Reporting: Assure Monitoring and Reporting APC queries now correctly handle system values QPWDEXPITV and QPASTHRSVR as numeric values. |
SEC-18757 | Assure Security: The Assure Security Console now correctly shows the list of available AMR queries. |
SEC-18812 | Assure Monitoring and Reporting: Missing SND* complementary programs used for AMR output types are now delivered in the SECOPS library. |