Fixes are listed in numerical order. If a fix is specific to a licensed feature, the name of the feature is identified.
This service pack includes all relevant changes to earlier level 7.0 service packs, and fixes for the following reported problems:
SEC-16569 | Assure System Access Manager: The SNDQJJLOG command is now thread safe. |
SEC-17671 | Assure Multi-Factor Authentication: The SNDQJMSG and SNDQJIFS command programs have been modified to function correctly when the value of the setting CILASOFT/MAIL/MAX_SENT_MSG_SIZE exceeds 2147. |
SEC-17672 | Assure Multi-Factor Authentication: The Work with MFA rules screen program was changed to set the Action fields correctly when the Action is changed to *LISTENER. |
SEC-17754 | Assure Monitoring and Reporting: RUNQJF queries will correctly record the last sequence number analyzed when the iteration returns a result set. |
SEC-17781 | Assure Monitoring and Reporting: RUNQJA now correctly updates the last receiver analyzed for receiver continuation queries. |
SEC-17837 | Assure System Access Manager: SAM will now support SELECT queries with up to 200 files used in a single query. |
SEC-17852 | Assure Security: Accented characters are dealt with correctly by use of *JOBCCISD for the character identifer control property. |
SEC-17866 | Assure Encryption: Assure Encryption will no longer end with message 'Table ANAS2EB not found' when field procedure encrypt/decrypt runs using the AKM key manager without the Assure Security installation library in the library list. |
SEC-17903 | Assure Monitoring and Reporting: Special values #DATE and #TIME have been added to the conditions selection in the query definition. These values refer to the date and time when the query was executed. For example, in a condition of *TIME GT #TIME - 5 will select events that occurred in the previous 5 minutes. |
SEC-18039 | Assure System Access Manager: During an MFA integration with SAM, the correct control name is now attached when the control name is a 10 character name. |