The RUNQJRGZ command has been modified to allow the reorganization of internal Assure Security files while the files are in use. RUNQJRGZ now uses the same process as the RGZQJPFM command. If the internal files are not already journaled, RUNQJRGZ will temporarily start journaling the files to a journal named secondary-library/RGZJRN to allow the files to be reorganized while active.
Customers who compiled the monthly program QJRN_SCDM when Assure Security was installed at a service pack level between and have run older versions of the RGZQJPFM command and may have an orphaned RGZJRN journal or journal receivers that need to be cleaned up. If such objects exist, they will be located in the secondary library (SECOPSEX by default).
To determine if there are any orphaned journal receivers, run the following command:
If receivers are listed, they can be deleted via the following command:
Note: The attached journal receiver cannot be deleted. You will see message: CPF7022 - CANNOT DELETE JOURNAL RECEIVER attached_receiver WHILE ATTACHED. This is a normal message. The attached journal receiver will be deleted in step 4. Proceed to step 3. -
End journaling on all files journaled to this journal:
ENDJRNPF FILE(*ALL) JRN(secondary-library/RGZJRN)
Delete the journal:
DLTJRN JRN(secondary-library/RGZJRN)