Fixes are listed in numerical order. If a fix is specific to a licensed feature, the name of the feature is identified.
This service pack includes all relevant changes to earlier level 7.0 service packs, and
fixes for the following reported problems:
SEC-15009 | Elevated Authority Manager: The EAM pre-start job no longer fails if the SECOPS subsystem is restarted and no valid EAM key exists. |
SEC-15900 | Assure Monitoring and Reporting: Command WRKQJFVAL now correctly allows copying of existing user defined formats. |
SEC-16147 | Assure Monitoring and Reporting: RUNQJ RESUME(*YES) no longer fails with message "RNX1211 I/O operation was applied to closed file REQCOTMP." |
SEC-16232 | Assure System Access Manager: The QXEXIT program has been made Thread Safe to avoid issues related to multi-threading. |
SEC-16255 | Assure System Access Manager: RGZQJPFM now correctly removes temporary receivers and journals created for file reorganization. |