Fixes included in service pack - Assure_Secure_File_Transfer_ - Assure_Elevated_Authority_Manager_(EAM) - Assure_Secure_File_Transfer_PGP - Assure_Encryption - Assure_Secure_File_Transfer - Required_for_All_Modules - Assure_Monitoring_and_Reporting_(AMR) - Assure_Security_Multi-Factor_Authentication_(MFA) - Assure_DB2_Data_Monitor_(DB2MON) - Assure_System_Access_Manager_(SAM) - Assure_Secure_File_Transfer_with_PGP - 7.0

Assure Security Release Notes

Product type
Product family
Assure Security > Assure Elevated Authority Manager (EAM)
Assure Security > Assure Encryption
Assure Security > Assure Secure File Transfer
Assure Security > Required for All Modules
Assure Security > Assure Monitoring and Reporting (AMR)
Assure Security > Assure Security Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Assure Security > Assure DB2 Data Monitor (DB2MON)
Assure Security > Assure System Access Manager (SAM)
Assure Security > Assure Secure File Transfer with PGP
Product name
Assure Security
Assure Security Release Notes
First publish date
Last updated
Published on

Fixes are listed in numerical order. If a fix is specific to a licensed feature, the name of the feature is identified.

This service pack includes all relevant changes to earlier level 7.0 service packs, and fixes for the following reported problems:
SEC-14603 Assure Security: Install will fail with a message on how to resolve, if an IFS object is in the root directory with the same name as the install and is not a *SYMLNK (Symbolic Link).
SEC-14622 Assure Security: Journal receiver threshold size now uses the default size of the journal command CHGJRN.
SEC-15087 Assure Security: Job EXASYN will no longer fail due to CPF9503 Cannot lock data queue EXJOBPNT.
SEC-15200 Assure Encryption: In Fieldproc Encryption, F4 promptable fields are now displayed in pink color and F4 is now displayed as one of the function keys available.
SEC-15320 Assure Encryption: Assure Encryption command ADDFLDPRCD now supports a full 40-byte key name when adding a field procedure definition for a third-party KMIP key manager.
SEC-15344 Assure Encryption: Assure Encryption command CHGFLDPRCD now provides keyword FILELIB to update the protected file library name of a field procedure definition if the associated file is moved to a different library.
SEC-15372 Assure Security: The command SNDQJPF no longer fails with error RNX1211 when trying to send the result to the IFS.
SEC-15466 Assure System Access Manager: The command PRTQXLOG no longer fails due to an incorrect data area length.