Fixes are listed in numerical order. If a fix is specific to a licensed feature, the name of the feature is identified.
This service pack includes all relevant changes to earlier level 7.0 service packs, and
fixes for the following reported problems:
SEC-14543 | Assure Security: Job EXASYN will no longer lock a license manager file, allowing Precisely product upgrades to complete successfully. |
SEC-14669 | Assure Security: The job performing an upgrade will now change the message queue full action to *PRTWRAP. |
SEC-14732 | Assure Multi-Factor Authentication: Additional error message recovery text has been added to indicate that IBM OS option 39 for International Components for Unicode is required for proper validation of spaces in an MFA rule name. |
SEC-14770 | Assure System Access Manager: Condition list entries can now be added to ACC_TELNET when SAM V6 log displays DEV(*AUTO). |