In IBM i 7.5, the default value for the Authority (AUT) parameter on IBM commands Create Journal (CRTJRN) and Create Journal Receiver (CRTJRNRCV) changed from *LIBCRTAUT to *EXCLUDE. which results in the *JRN and *JRNRCV objects being created with *PUBLIC user *EXCLUDE authority.
Assure Security operations that create new journal and receiver objects invoke the IBM commands without specifying a value for AUT. New journals and receivers created by Assure Security on an IBM i 7.5 system will have *PUBLIC user *EXCLUDE authority. Only users with *ALLOBJ authority or special authority to the journals and receivers can use them.
Assure Security operations that change journal receivers pass the value *GEN to the JRNRCV parameter when invoking the Change Journal (CHGJRN) command. The resulting receiver automatically has the same authorities (including *PUBLIC) as the currently attached receiver.
Your user profile must be given specific authority to the *JRN and *JRNRCV objects (EDTOBJAUT command).
- Your user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority
The public authority of the *JRN and *JRNRCV object must be changed (EDTOBJAUT command)