The size of the stream file used for installing Assure Security software can be large—over 1 gigabyte (GB). It is common to have several software files in the IFS directory where the stream file is placed at a given time. Depending on which installation method you use, the stream file may remain on the system after the install completes.
After Assure Security software is installed, the combined size needed for the installed libraries and IFS directories is larger and may require 2 gigabytes (GB) or more of storage space. Additional storage is required for journal receivers associated with the Assure Monitoring and Reporting licensed features, and significantly more storage may be needed for log files and screen shots associated with Assure System Access Manager and Assure Elevated Authority Manager licensed features.
When upgrading, as many as two saved copies of the product library may exist on the system if you use command-based processes. This increases storage requirements. If you use the wizard, the default option temporarily saves a copy of the product library and deletes the copy when finished. The wizard also allows options to save the copy.