Installing or upgrading Assure Security creates or updates objects in multiple locations. You must not modify or delete these objects.
Product subsystem
If it does not exist, the security subsystem is created with the same name as the product library.
Product library (SECOPS or user-defined name)
For a new installation, the product library name defaults to SECOPS, but you can specify an eight-character name. For new installations, the product library name also determines names of other installed objects. Existing installations that are upgraded retain their previous library name.
Secondary product library
A secondary library is created or updated when the product is installed. For new installations, this library uses the name of the product library with the characters EX appended to it. For example, when the default product library name is used, the secondary library name is SECOPSEX. This library includes samples of customizable exit programs. Only files XQJSRC, XQRYSRC, and XQJFTP are retained in this library when the software is upgraded. Therefore, do not create or modify any other objects in this library.
_0 library
A library whose name is in the format product-library-name_0 is used by the Assure Encryption and the Assure Secure File Transfer licensed features. If the product was upgraded from a Cilasoft product installation and its library name is longer than eight characters, only the first eight characters are used and are followed by the characters _0.
LAKEVIEW library
If it does not already exist on the node (system or partition), License Manager is installed into the LAKEVIEW library when Assure Security software is installed.
This library is installed when License Manager is installed.
VSI001LIB library
The software installation process installs the Precisely licensed program product (LPP) 7VSI001 *BASE and option 8 into library VSI001LIB if they are not already present on the node.
Product IFS directory
For a new installation, the software installation process installs the product IFS directory at
is the name of the product library, which is SECOPS by default.
For upgrades from Cilasoft products, the existing directory path is preserved.
Do not modify the following subdirectories of the product IFS directory, which are always replaced when software is upgraded:
SQL/Console/Standard Scripts
The installation process also creates a symbolic link, in the root directory, to the product IFS directory. For a new installation, the software installation process also ensures that the created symbolic link is known to the product.
License keys IFS directory
When obtaining license keys, the wizard places License Request Packages (LRPs) and License Key Packages (LKPs) in this directory:
Lakeviewtech IFS directory
The Assure Security installation wizard stores and optionally removes the product stream file used for software installation on the system at IFS location:If the stream file included in the wizard is already located in this directory, the wizard provides the opportunity to use those files.
Product user profile
This required user profile is created when software is installed and uses the same name as the product library (default is SECOPS). This profile is the owner of all the Assure Security objects. This inactive profile is created without a password, with MAXSTG(*NOMAX), and with the following special authorities: *ALLOBJ, *AUDIT, *JOBCTL, *IOSYSCFG, *SECADM, and *SERVICE. These special authorities are required for correct operation of the Assure Security product, which uses the program *OWNER adopted authority mechanism to perform many product feature tasks designed to secure and audit your system. Do not change its special authorities, as changes may cause licensed features of Assure Security to fail.
For a new installation, the software installation process also adds a system distribution directory entry using the product library name for the userid and address.
SEOWNER user profile
The required SEOWNER profile is created when product software is installed.
LAKEVIEW user profile
If it does not already exist, the required LAKEVIEW user profile is created when License Manager is installed. For a new installation, the software installation process also adds a system distribution directory entry using LAKEVIEW and the system name for the userid and address.
MIMIXOWN user profile
If it does not already exist, the MIMIXOWN user profile is created when License Manager is installed. For a new installation, the software installation process also adds a system distribution directory entry using MIMIXOWN and the system name for the userid and address.
Authorization list
The required authorization list created in library QSYS with the same name as product library (default is SECOPS).
Message queues
Message queues are created in library QUSRSYS for each of the created user profiles. There may be other message queues created in the product library.