Requirements and restrictions - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX with FlashCopy Environment User Guide

Product type
Product family
Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX with FlashCopy Environment User Guide
Topic type
How Do I
First publish date

The following requirements and restrictions exist:

  • The IBM i FlashCopy feature must be installed and configured. See IBM i documentation topic Planning the FlashCopy feature for its hardware, software and communication requirements.
  • Typically, each flash copy target must be supported by its own dedicated two-node installation of MIMIX. For example, a typical FlashCopy environment with two targets for each source requires two separate instances of MIMIX.
  • License keys are required for the MIMIX product and the MIMIX for FlashCopy licensed feature on all systems in the environment.
  • Typically, the source node must be configured as the management system (*MGT) of the MIMIX configuration. The target node must be configured as a network system (*NET) in MIMIX.
  • Data groups must be configured as non-switchable. This is specified by the value *NO for the Allow to be switched (ALWSWT) parameter in the data group definition.
  • The journalling environment used by MIMIX has the following requirements that must be specified in the journal definition associated with a data group:
    • Minimize entry specific data (MINENTDTA) must specify the value *NONE. Minimized journal entry data is not supported.
    • Receiver change management (CHGMGT) must specify a value other than *NONE.
    • Keep journal receivers (days) (KEEPJRNRCV) must specify a number that keeps receivers for a day longer than any possible Flash-IPL-Startup process that crosses midnight. If the system is flashed every day, specify 2.
    • Receiver size option (RCVSIZOPT) must specify the value *MAXOPT3.