Ensuring that license keys are available when needed - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX with FlashCopy Environment User Guide

Product type
Product family
Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX with FlashCopy Environment User Guide
Topic type
How Do I
First publish date

You must have a license key package (LKP) that contains license keys for the MIMIX product and the MIMIX for FlashCopy licensed feature on all systems in the MIMIX instance. The LKP may include keys for system serial numbers that are also not part of the instance; for example, if your FlashCopy implementation requires two instances of MIMIX, the LKP may include keys for the second target node as well.

You will be prompted during the installation process for license keys. Although you can complete a new installation without keys, you cannot configure or run MIMIX until keys have been applied.

In a FlashCopy environment, MIMIX installations can be transported to other hardware and other serial numbers. Because of this, before you use MIMIX for FlashCopy, you may need to copy and rename the LKP package as needed on the source system so that you have a uniquely named LKP for each system serial number in the FlashCopy environment. This helps to ensure that when the system is cloned, appropriate LKP files will also be available on the new clone and MIMIX can find the correct LKP file from which to apply license keys during its prior-to-flash operations.

For each unique system serial number in the flash environment, ensure that you have an LKP file with the naming convention <serial>.LKP located in the /VISIONSOLUTIONS/LICENSEKEYS/. folder on the source system. An LKP file can contain keys for multiple system serial numbers. However, the serial number used for the file name must exist in the file. For example: