Removing extra journal receivers when *JRNRCVCNT is indicated - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations Guide
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When a system listed on the Work with Systems display has a journal manager status of *JRNRCVCNT, do the following:

  1. Type 18 (Jrn dfn receivers) next to the system and press Enter.

    The Work with Journal Definitions display appears with a list of journal definitions for the local system.


    Note: The list includes journal definitions used for replication and journal definitions used internally by MIMIX.
  2. Check the Actual Receivers column for values followed by an asterisk (*).

    This column shows the number of journal receivers associated with the journal on the local system, including the currently attached receiver. When followed by an asterisk (*), the quantity of detached receivers exceeds both configured settings, which are shown in the Keep Receivers Count and Days columns.

  3. Type 17 (Work with jrn attributes) next to a journal definition whose actual receiver count includes an asterisk (*) and press Enter.

  4. The Work with Journal Attributes display appears. Press F15 (Work with receiver directory).

  5. The Work with Receiver Directory display appears. From this display you can:

    • Use F11 to toggle between views showing receiver save date and status, size, and systems.

    • Use option 8 (Display attributes). This may help you in determining whether the receiver is needed by processes other than MIMIX.

    • Use option 4 (Delete) to delete a receiver that is no longer needed by MIMIX or other processes.

Example: A journal definition has a configured keep receiver count of 2 and keep receiver days of 3 and there are a total of 10 actual receivers identified on the Work with Journal Definitions display. Receivers 1-9 are detached and 10 is currently attached. The detached receivers 8 and 9 are considered necessary to keep because of the keep receiver count value. Receivers 1-7 exceed the receiver count. Receivers 1-7 became eligible for deletion 3 days after the date they were detached.