Displaying status of target journal inspection - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations Guide
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Target journal inspection consists of a set of jobs that read journals on the target system to check for people or processes other than MIMIX that have modified replicated objects on the target system. Best practice is to allow target journal inspection for all systems in your replication environment.

Each target journal inspection process runs on a system only when that system is the target system for replication. The number of inspection processes depends on how many journals are used by data groups replicating to that system. On a target system, there is one inspection job for the system journal and one job for each target user journal identified in data groups replicating to that system.

Because target journal inspection processes run at the system-level, the best location to begin checking status is from the Work with Systems display.

  1. Do one of the following:

    • From MIMIX Intermediate Main Menu, select option 2 (Work with Systems) and press Enter.

    • From the Work with Application Groups display, use option 12 (Node entries). On the resulting Work with Node Entries display, press F7 (Systems).

  2. The Work with Systems display appears. The Journal Inspect. column shows the summarized status of all journal inspection processes on a system.

    • Expected values are either *ACTIVE or *NOTTGT.

    • For all other status values, type 11 (Jrn inspection status) next to the system you want and press Enter.

  3. The Work with Journal Inspection Status display appears, listing the subset of journal definitions for the selected system. The status displayed is for target journal inspection for the journal associated with a journal definition.

Note: Journal definitions whose journals are not eligible for target journal inspection are not displayed. This includes journal definitions that identify the remote journal used in RJ configurations (whose names typically end with @R) as well as the MXCFGJRN journal definition, which are for internal use.

The following table identifies the status for the inspection job associated with a journal and how to resolve problems.

Table 1. Status values for a single target journal inspection process.

Journal Inspection Status

Description and Action

*INACTIVE (inverse red)

Journal inspection is not active.

Use option 9 (Start) to start all eligible target journal inspection processes on the system identified in the selected journal definition.

*UNKNOWN (inverse white)

The status of the process on the system cannot be determined, possibly because of an error or communications problem.

Use the procedure in Verifying all communications links.

*ACTIVE (inverse blue)

Target journal inspection is active for the journal identified in the journal definition.


Target journal inspection has not run because all enabled data groups that use the journal definition as a target journal have never been started.

The inspection process will start when one or more of the data groups are started.


Either the journal definition does not allow target journal inspection or all enabled data groups that use the journal definition (user journal) prevent journaling on the target system. Target journal inspection is not performed for the journal.

For instructions for configuring target journal inspection, see topics “Determining which data groups use a journal definition” and “Enabling target journal inspection” in the Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference book.


The journal definition is not used as a target journal definition by any enabled data group. Target journal inspection is not performed for the journal.

This is the expected status when the journal definition is properly configured for target journal inspection but the system is currently a source system for all data groups using this journal definition.