Displaying status of a remote journal link - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations Guide

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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations Guide
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Remote journal links (RJ links) are used by replication processes for data groups and by system manager processes.

To check the status of an RJ link used by a data group, do the following:

From the Work with Data Groups display (WRKDG command), type 44 (RJ links) next to the data group you want and press Enter.

To check the status of an RJ link used for by a system manager process, do the following:

  1. From the Work with Systems display (WRKSYS command), type 7 (System manager status) next to the system you want and press Enter.

  2. On the resulting Work with System Pairs display, type 12 (Work with RJ links) and press Enter.

To check the status of all RJ links in a MIMIX installation, type the command:

      installation-library/WRKRJLNK PROCESS(*ALL)

Figure 37.Example showing all RJ links in an environment with two systems and one data group. The first two RJ links listed are for the data group. The last two are for system manager processes between the systems.


You can view details about an RJ link by using option 5 (Display).

The Dlvry column indicates configured value for how the IBM i remote journal function sends the journal entries from the source journal to the target journal. The possible values for delivery are asynchronous (*ASYNC) and synchronous (*SYNC).

*ASYNC - Journal entries are replicated asynchronously, independent of the applications that create the journal entries. The applications continue processing while an independent system task delivers the journal entries. If a failure occurs on the source system, journal entries on the source system may become trapped because they have not been delivered to the target system.

*SYNC - Journal entries are replicated synchronously. The applications do not continue processing until after the journal entries are sent to the target journal. If a failure occurs on the source system, the target system contains the journal entries that have been generated by the applications.

The State column represents the composite view of the state of the remote journal link. Because the RJ link has both source and a target component, the state shown is that of the component which has the most severe state. The following table shows the possible states of an RJ link, listed in order from most severe to least severe.

Table 1. Possible states for RJ links, shown in order starting with most severe.



The following states are considered to be inactive:


The state of the link cannot be checked. Both journals defined to the remote journal link do not reside on the local system and a transfer definition does not exist between the local system and the source system of the remote journal link.


The ASP where the journal is located is varied off.


The remote journal link is defined to MIMIX but one of the associated journal environments has not been built.


The remote journal link is defined to MIMIX but the associated source journal environment has not been built.


The remote journal link is defined to MIMIX but the associated target journal environment has not been built.


The remote journal cannot receive journal entries from the source journal due to an error condition.


The remote journal link is processing a request for a controlled end.


The remote journal link is not active.

The following states are considered to be active:


An active remote journal link is in the process of becoming inactive. For asynchronous delivery, this is a transient state that will resolve automatically. For synchronous delivery, one system is inactive while the other system is inactive with pending unconfirmed entries.


An active remote journal link is connected using synchronous delivery and is running in catch-up mode. The state will become *SYNC when catch-up mode ends.


An active remote journal link is connected using asynchronous delivery and is running in catch-up mode. The state will become *ASYNC when catch-up mode ends.


An active remote journal link is connected using synchronous delivery mode.


An active remote journal link is connected using asynchronous delivery mode.