Responding to a step with a *MSGW status - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations Guide
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When a step or a job for step has a status of *MSGW, it is the result of an error condition. An inquiry message was sent because the step specified *MSGW for its Action on error attribute. An operator response is required before any additional processing for the job can occur.

To respond to a step in *MSGW status, do the following from the Work with Step Status display:

  1. Locate the step whose job is waiting (*MSGW). If needed, use F7 (Expand) to view the Expanded view.

  2. To view information about what caused the job to end in error, type 8 (Work with job) next to job with *MSGW status and press Enter.

  3. On the Work with Job display, type 10 (Display job log, if active, on job queue, or pending) and press Enter.

  4. The job log is displayed. Use F1 to view details of any of the messages. Find the error that caused the job to end. You will see the inquiry message in the job log; however you cannot respond to it from here.

  5. Press F12 twice to return to the Work with Step Status display.

  6. Type 11 (Display message) next to the step job in *MSGW status and press Enter.

  7. You will see the message “Error in step at sequence number number in procedure name. (R C I).” Do one of the following:

    • A response of R (Retry) will retry processing the step program within the same job. Type R and press Enter.

    • A response of C (Cancel) will set the job status to *CANCEL as indicated in the expanded view of step status. Subsequent steps are handled in the same manner as if the Action on error has specified the value *QUIT. Type C and press Enter.

    • A response of I (Ignore) will set the job status to *IGNERR as indicated in the expanded view of step status, and processing continues as if the job had not ended in error. Type I and press Enter.