Resolving *CANCEL or *FAILED step statuses - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations Guide
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Evaluate the cause of the failure or cancellation, as well as the state of other steps within the procedure. All steps with failed or canceled jobs need to be resolved.

Important! For any step which ended in error, other asynchronous jobs may have successfully processed the same step and continued on to process other subsequent steps. The actions taken by those steps as well as by completed steps which preceded the problem cannot be reversed.

Do the following from the Work with Step Status display:

  1. Locate the step whose job has a step status of *CANCEL or *FAILED. If needed, use F7 (Expand) to view the Expanded view.

  2. All steps which have a job that has a step status of *CANCEL or *FAILED must be evaluated and the cause of the problem must be resolved. To view information about why a job had an error processing a step, do the following:

    1. Type 8 (Work with job) next to the job you want and press Enter.

    2. On the Work with Job display, type 4 (Work with spooled file) and press Enter.

    3. Display the spooled file for the job and check for the cause of the error.

    4. Evaluate whether any immediate action is needed due to the condition which caused the error. Consider the nature and severity of the error.

  3. If the procedure is still active and you need to take corrective action or perform additional investigation, cancel the procedure using F15 (Cancel proc.). Any steps that are currently running will complete, then the procedure status is set to *CANCELED.

  4. Check which steps have completed, failed, were canceled, or have not yet started. Then evaluate the current state of your environment as a result. If needed, take corrective action that is appropriate for the extent of the errors and the extent to which steps completed.
    Note: It is strongly recommended that you cancel the procedure, if it is active, before attempting any corrective action.
  5. Determine how to best complete the procedure in the current state of your environment. When the procedure is *FAILED or *CANCELED, your choices are:
    • Resume the procedure from the point where the procedure ended. If you resume a failed procedure, processing will begin with the step that failed. If you resume a canceled procedure, processing will begin with steps following the canceled step. Optionally, if you were unable to resolve a problem for a step in error, you can override the attributes of that step for when the procedure is resumed. See Resuming a procedure.
      Note: If a virtual switch procedure fails or is canceled at any step within the range performed while replication status for the application group indicates virtual switch activity (starting, testing, or recovering), the only choice after taking corrective action is to resume the procedure. In this scenario, you will not be able to run any other procedure to start, stop, or switch the affected application group until the virtual switch procedure is resumed and allowed to run to completion.
    • Acknowledge the procedure status allowing the procedure for *CANCELED or *FAILED to be resumed starting with the first step. This choice indicates you have investigated the problem steps and want to run the procedure again starting at its first step. This option should only be used after you have evaluated the effect of activity performed by the procedure. See Acknowledging a procedure.