Displaying status of steps within a procedure run - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations Guide

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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations Guide
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The Work with Step Status display provides access to detailed information about status of steps for a specific run of a procedure for an application group.

Timestamps are in the local job time. If you have not already ensured that the systems in your installation use coordinated universal time, see the Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference book for the setting system time topic.

 To display step status for a procedure run, do the following:

  1. Use one of the following to access the run of the procedure you want:

  2. From the Work with Procedure Status display, type 8 (Step status) next to the run of the procedure you want and press Enter.

  3. For procedures other than type *NODE, press F7 (Expand) to view status of the individual jobs used to process each step.

The steps listed on the Work with Step Status display appear in sequence number order as defined by steps in the procedure. If the procedure is in progress, the display shows status for the steps that have run, the start time and status of the step that is in progress, and blank status and start time for steps that have not yet run.

Collapsed view - There are multiple views of the Work with Step Status display. The view shown depends on the type of procedure.

Procedures other than *NODE - The following figure shows the collapsed view of for procedures other than type *NODE. Each step of the procedure is shown as a single row and step status represents the summary of all jobs used by the step. F7 (Expand) provides a view that shows details for additional jobs used to process each step.

Figure 2.Collapsed view of Work with Step Status display for procedures other than *NODE.

*NODE procedures - The following figure shows the display for *NODE procedures, which only shows summary rows for steps. All steps of a node procedure run on the node where the procedure started (Started on node field).

Figure 3.Work with Step Status display for *NODE procedures


Expanded view - The following figure shows an example of the expanded view available for procedures other than type *NODE. In the expanded view, step programs of type *AGDFN will have one row for each node on which the step runs. Steps which run step programs at the level of the data resource group or data group are expanded to have multiple rows so that the status of the step for each data resource group or data group is visible. For step programs of type *DTARSCGRP, there will be a summary row for the application group followed by a row for each data resource group within the application group. For step programs of type *DGDFN, there will be a summary row for the application group, then for each data resource group, there is a summary row for the data resource group followed by a row for each of its data groups. Summary rows are identified by a dash (-) in the columns that are being summarized.

Also, for step programs of type *AGDFN, the Data Rsc. Grp. column and the Data Group column will always be blank. For step programs of type *DTARSCGRP, the Data Group column will always be blank.

Figure 4.Expanded view of the Work with Step Status display.
