Notifications for newly created objects - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations Guide
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The MIMIX® AutoNotify™ feature can be used to monitor for newly created libraries, folders, or directories. The AutoNotify feature uses a shipped journal monitor called MMNFYNEWE to monitor for new objects in an installation that are not already included or excluded for replication by a data group. The AutoNotify feature monitors the security audit journal (QAUDJRN), and when new objects are detected, issues a warning notification.

The MMNFYNEWE monitor is shipped in a disabled state. In order to use this feature, the MMNFYNEWE monitor must be enabled on the source system within your MIMIX environment. Once enabled, this monitor will automatically start with the master monitor.

Notifications will be sent when newly created objects meet the following conditions:

  • The installation must have a data group configured whose source system is the system the monitor is running on.

  • The journal entry must be a create object (T-CO) or object management change (T-OM).

  • If the journal entry is a create object (T-CO), then the type must be new (N).

  • The journal entry must be for a library, folder, or directory.

  • If the journal entry is for a library, it cannot be a MIMIX generated library since MIMIX generated libraries are not replicated by MIMIX.

  • If the journal entry is for a directory, it cannot be the /LAKEVIEWTECH directory, or any directory under /LAKEVIEWTECH.

  • If the journal entry is for a directory, it must be a directory that is supported for replication by MIMIX.

  • The object is not already known (included or excluded) in the installation.

From the native user interface, notifications can be viewed from the Work with Notifications (WRKNFY) display. The notification message will indicate required actions. Additionally, when you view notifications from the MMNFYNEWE monitor from the Assure Unified Interface, you have immediate access to actions to create configuration entries for it.