Recoveries processed by replication manager - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations Guide
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The default view of the Work with Recoveries display lists the in-progress and failed recoveries that were submitted to the replication manager for processing by any of the following: audits, database replication, object replication, target journal inspection, or virtual switch.

Note: The count fields at the top of this display are different than what is summarized in the Recov. field on the Work with Data Groups display. Here, the Failed count includes all failed recoveries processed by replication manager, and the Total count includes the New, Active, Failed, and Acknowledged counts.

The following information is displayed for replication manager recoveries.

Status - Identifies the most severe status of all recoveries for the object that were submitted to the replication manager. Status values in order of highest to lowest severity are:

  • *NEW - The most severe status of any recoveries indicates that the recovery is new and processing has not yet started.
  • *QUEUED - The most severe status of any recoveries indicates that the recovery has been queued for processing.
  • *CAPTURING - The most severe status of any recoveries indicates that the recovery is capturing information on the source system.
  • *WAITING - The most severe status of any recoveries indicates that the recovery is waiting to be processed. A virtual switch is in progress and either the database apply process is ended or has a backlog.
  • *FAILED - The most severe status of any recoveries indicates that the recovery has failed.
  • *ACK - The most severe status of any recoveries indicates that a failed recovery was acknowledged.

Data group - Identifies the data group associated with the recovery.

Type - Identifies the type of object for which recoveries were submitted to the replication manager.

Object Name - Identifies the name of the object for which recoveries were submitted to the replication manager. This field can contain the following:

  • Library-based objects in the format: LIBRARY/OBJECT
  • Members in the format: LIBRARY/FILE(MEMBER)
  • Spooled files in the format: NAME/NUMBER JOBNBR/JOBUSER/JOBNAME
  • Folders and document library objects in the format: FOLDER/DOC
  • Root folders in the format: *NONE/FOLDER
  • IFS objects in the format: /DIRECTORY/NAME