Displaying data protection reports - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations Guide
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To view data protection reports, do the following:

  1. From the MIMIX Main Menu, type 11 (Configuration menu) and press Enter.
  2. From the MIMIX Configuration Menu, type 10 (Work with data protection reports) and press Enter.

    The Work with data protection reports panel appears and displays the report for the last of that selected node.

    Optional: To see the list of DPR entries subsetted by production status, object type, or name, press F18 (subset).

    The default view of the Work with Data Protection Report panel lists the container objects from a data protection report to Ignore, Exclude, or Include the container and its contents.

    The following information is displayed for the data protection report.

    Protection Status - Specifies the protection status of the container object.
    • *NONE - Indicates no configuration entries discovered for the container object or its contents.
    • *PARTIAL - Indicates that existing configuration entries replicate some, but not all the library, directory, or folder.
    • *PROTECTED - Indicates that existing configuration entries replicate the library, directory, or folder, and its entire contents.
    • *NOTAVAIL - IndicatestheJournal (*JRN) objects have been identified in the data protection report. Journals do not have a protected status, so their status is always *NOTAVAIL, however information about them, including associated libraries, is available.
    • *EXCLUDED - Indicatesthat configuration entries were discovered that exclude the container object or some or all its contents from replication. No included configuration entries were found.
    • *IGNORED - Indicates that the container object and its contents do not have any replication configuration entries and will be ignored in future DPR reports.

    Type - Specifies the object type of the container object.

    Object Container Name - Specifies the name of the container object. This field can contain the following:
    • Library-based objects in the format LIBRARY
    • Folders in the format FOLDER/SUBFLR
    • IFS objects in the format /DIRECTORY/SUBDIR
    • Journals in the format LIBRARY/JRNNAME
    Table 1. Options available for working with data protection reports

    WRKDPR Option


    5=Display Displays details for the specified entry.


    Prints the entry. the details for the specified entry.


    Ignores the container object, which indicates that you do not need to replicate the selected object and its contents. By default, this option ignores the object across all nodes in the instance. You may change the default settings by pressing F4.

    13=Exclude container

    Configures the container object to be excluded from replication.
    14=Exclude contents Configures the contents of the container object to be excluded from replication.
    15=Include container Configures the container object to be included in replication.

    16=Include contents

    Configures the contents of the container object to be included in replication.
    20=Load JCC Data group Creates journal-centric configuration for the journal using the Load Jrn-Centric Cfg Data Grp (LODJCCDG) command.
    21=Add *NONJRN entry Creates a data group object entry with object type *NONJRN for the specified library. An existing data group definition must be specified.
    22=Add *STRJRN entry Creates a data group object entry with object type *STRJRN for the specified library. An existing data group definition must be specified.


    Runs the Start Journal Library (STRJRNLIB) command for a specified library or journal.
    30=Check Obj Protection Runs the Check Object Protection (CHKOBJPROT) command for a library to determine which objects in the library are not being replicated because they are either not known to MIMIX configuration or are explicitly excluded from replication.
    41=Stop ignoring Indicates that the container object and its contents will no longer be ignored by the report for all nodes in the instance. You can optionally stop ignoring the container object only on the current node.
    91=Description Displays the description of the object on the local system.
    92=Authorities Displays the authorities of the object on the local system.
    93=Locks Displays locks against the object on the local system.
    94=Contents Displays the contents of the object on the local system.
    99=Run command Allow a command specified on the command line to be run against the object on the local system. The parameters for the object name (either OBJ or the object type, such as PGM) and the object type (OBJTYPE) are added to the specified command if supported by the command.