From the local system, do the following:
Use the WRKREPJOB command to access the Work with Replicated Jobs display.
To display the information about a job that was submitted on the original source system, type 5 (Display) next to a replicated job and press Enter.
To run the command in the job string of the replicated job on the local system, do the following:
(Submit) next to the replicated job and pressF4
(Prompt): -
The Submit Replicated Job (SBMREPJOB) display appears, showing the job information from the original system’s job queue.
The command string to be submitted includes any specified parameters from the job submission on the originating system, but it does not include any parameters on the Submit Job (SBMJOB) command that use default values.
Note: Any differences of SBMJOB command defaults or name-mapping of objects between systems are not reflected in the shown command string. If any differences are important when submitting the command string, edit the command string accordingly. -
If necessary, you can add or replace parameters before the command string is submitted. To do so, press F10 (Additional parameters), and specify values as needed for these prompts:
Parameters to replace in cmd
Parameters to add in cmd
You can specify any SBMJOB parameter except the Command to run (CMD) parameter.
Press Enter.
After the job is submitted on the local system, it is removed from the list of replicated jobs.