Object detailed status views - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations Guide
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Figure 15, Figure 16, and Figure 17 show samples of the information available when you use F7 (Object) to view the detailed object information. Use F11 to move between the three views of detailed object status. On each view, you can use the F1 (Help) key to see a description of that view’s contents.

In all object views, journal sequence numbers may be truncated if the journal supports *MAXOPT3 for the receiver size and the journal sequence number value exceeds the available display field. When truncation is necessary, the most significant digits (left-most) are omitted. Truncated journal sequence numbers are prefixed by '>'.

Problem counts: The upper right corner of Figure 15 and Figure 16 shows these counts:

  • Objects in error - The number of objects in the data group that currently have a status of *FAILED.

  • Recoveries - The number of new or in-progress recovery actions for objects in the data group that are replicated using the system journal (QAUDJRN)

Status values: In addition to the possible status values for processes indicated in Possible values for detailed status. Not all statuses are used by each process, Object views 1 and 2 (Figure 15 and Figure 16) also display these additional status values that are unique to system journal replication processes in the fields for the Retrievers, Senders, and Applies processes: The Min, Act, and Max fields indicate the minimum, active, and maximum number of jobs for each process. The number of active jobs varies based on the work load. The active count is highlighted with color for the following conditions:

  • Red - The number of active jobs is zero (0).
  • Yellow - The number of active jobs is greater than zero (0) but less than the minimum number of processes, or the apply process is ended for virtual switch testing.
  • Turquoise - The process has a backlog that exceeds its configured threshold. When this occurs, the backlog field for the process is also highlighted in the color turquoise.
  • Blue - The number of active jobs is equal to or greater than the minimum number of processes.

Figure 15 and Figure 18 show the active count highlighted.

Figure 15.Data group detail status, object view 1.


Figure 16.Data group detail status, object view 2.


 Figure 17.Data group detail status, object view 3.